Sunday, October 11, 2015

Is hacking ethical?

    The definition of hacker has changed radically over the years. With the aid of the mass media, the word has developed a negative connotation rather than the positive one it used to have. Add ethical in front of hacker, and it's even more confusing.
  1. Hacktivists: Those who hack as a form of political activism.
  2. Hobbyist hackers: Those who hack to learn, for fun or to share with other hobbyists.
  3. Research and security hackers: Those concerned with discovering security vulnerabilities and writing the code fixes.
    I believe hackers have a lot to offer. They provide a balance of power by virtue of their creativity and technical skills. I think we need to protect and recognize them and find ways of working together.
    Yes, I do believe that hacking -- when properly defined -- is an ethical activity. And yes, I do believe that understanding our freedoms and rights and protecting all that's good in our society while preventing all that's bad is the right approach.


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